9 Steps for Planning an AGM

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9 Steps for Planning an AGM

Whats Happening

9 Steps for Planning an AGM

Organising an Annual General Meeting (AGM) can be a complex process, but here are the steps to help you get started:

  1. Determine the date, time and venue: Schedule the AGM well in advance and select a venue that is easily accessible to all attendees.

  2. Prepare the Agenda: Decide on the topics that need to be discussed and create an agenda for the meeting.

  3. Invite attendees: Send out official invitations to all members, stakeholders, and any other relevant parties.

  4. Prepare supporting materials: Gather any relevant documents such as financial reports, presentation materials, and any other supporting information that will be discussed at the AGM.

  5. Arrange for equipment: Ensure that the venue has the necessary equipment such as a projector, sound system, and microphone to facilitate smooth proceedings.

  6. Assign responsibilities: Assign specific tasks to individuals or teams to ensure that all aspects of the AGM run smoothly.

  7. Hold the meeting: Follow the agenda and ensure that all topics are discussed and decisions are made.

  8. Take minutes: Have someone designated to take minutes of the meeting, including decisions made and actions taken.

  9. Follow up: After the AGM, distribute the minutes to attendees and follow up on any actions that were agreed upon.

Remember to comply with any legal requirements and regulations for AGMs in your jurisdiction.